Monday, January 4, 2010

Eat guava and ‘santol’ to manage stress

Eat guava and ‘santol’ to manage stress
By Cory Quirino
Philippine Daily Inquirer
First Posted 19:20:00 10/19/2009

Filed Under: Health
THERE IS A CENTER OF ENERGY IN ALL of us. This center produces physical sensation.

Here are some questions from readers related to the center of energy.

Q: Please explain why during moments of fear or insecurity I feel something in the “pit of my stomach.”

Your stomach is in the central area of your body. And every organ in this area is affected each time you are unable to fulfill a wish that is very important to you. The mildest form is “butterflies in your stomach.” If the agitation or stress continues, it may lead to ulcer. Stomach acidity happens each time the brain is overloaded with fear, panic, etc. Balance your body chemistry and reduce acid in your stomach by understanding the real cause of your fear. Have faith. Affirm: “I can and I will.” Above all, stop worrying!

Q: Why do I have regular food and sexual cravings?

A craving is a signal that your mind, body or spirit needs to fill. It also may mean, as in food, that you lack a certain mineral/vitamin. Sugar cravings are caused by an unbalanced diet. It could mean that you have a carbohydrate overload or your hormonal balance is upset.
Sexual cravings are symptoms of fear and doubt in one’s self. Sexual interaction may satisfy you temporarily but it also means there will never be any satisfaction you could get from just one person. This is the sad truth unless you deal with your real problem. If you don’t search your psyche well enough to heal your inner hurts, then strangers and strange encounters will continually magnetize you. People and partners will merely be objects to be used and not to be loved.

Q: How can I fight stress?

The word “fight” is already stressful. Let’s use the word “manage.” This is more positive. Here’s a list of things you can do:

Declare 10 minutes of your time everyday as time-out. Simply close your eyes. Inhale softly, quietly.
If you can’t turn off the lights, put on your shades.

Load up on vitamin B complex.

Try aromatherapy by lighting up lemon grass room fragrance sticks.

Spray on your palms and inhale with closed eyes one of the most effective and instant mood lifters in the market today—Bliss, a blend of lavender, mint and eucalyptus. (Nutramedica Inc., 376-4535)

Sip herbal teas like chamomile, lavender, rose. Or try organic ginger tea with native muscovado sugar from the mountains of Nueva Vizcaya, produced by the farmers’ cooperative (092-28689752).

Harness the healing powers of guava and santol through their organic jam and jelly.

Always remember, according to Dr. Gary Zukav in “The Heart of the Soul”—“Each decision is a moment of creativity.”

Love and light!


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